In medio stat virtus







今日は,Introduction, Purpose of the study, Methodologyに関するセリフをネイティブチェックしてもらったので,そのお勉強記録を記します。


元:At the beginning, I’d like to show you the contents my presentation.
修正後:In the beginning, I want to give you outline of my presentation.

So, I will explain these in more details from now on.


研究に関することを説明する場合はWe (Ex. We conducted quesstionare ~~)
「これから話します」というプレゼンの展開や,自分自身の紹介のときはIにする。 (Ex. I will explain these in more details)



元:~~~ found that even though students had watched the lecture video before the class, there was a difference in the level of understanding among them.
修正後:Associate Professor ~~~  in her research on the Flipped Classroom found that even though students had watched the lecture video before the class, there was a difference in the level of understanding among them.

元:〜〜,it should be done to consider how students prepare in Flipped Classroom.
修正後:〜〜,how students prepare in Flipped Classroom should be considered.

元:lacking of students’ habits to prepare might make them have difficulty to learn effectively in Flipped classroom.
修正後:students’ lack of preparation habits might make it even more difficult for them to learn effectively in a Flipped Classroom.


This person, O’Flaherty, I hope I am pronouncing his name correctly, pointed out that pre-class activities are not coherently linked to the face-to-face class.

元: Mason et al found that unstructured design of the flipped classroom were stressful for students and more directions would be helpful for their learning.
修正後:Mason and his colleges found that unstructured design of the flipped classroom were stressful for students and more directions would be helpful for their learning.


as I mentioned before


Purpose of this study, Methodology

元:So, at first, we should know the real how students prepare and find problems about their preparation.
And then, we should consider about how design pre-class.
修正後:So, at first, we should know how students prepare in reality and find problems related to their preparation.
And then, from there, we can consider about how design pre-class activities.



元:Based on these discussion, the purpose of this study is to clarify〜〜
修正後:Having said this, the purpose of this study is to clarify


元:For this purpose, we conducted a case study with a mixed method.
修正後:This is why, we conducted a case study with a mixed method.
★論文ではThis is whyはインフォーマルすぎてよろしくないが,オーラルの場合はOK


元:We will explain this in detail.
修正後:I am going to explain more about them[* in the next part].

元:Most students experienced flipped classroom for the first time.
修正後:For Most of the students this was the first experience with flipped classroom.

元:We will introduce the methodology for the questionnaire.
修正後: I will explain the methodology of the questionnaire.

元:As a result, 73 out of 91 students responded.
修正後:73 out of 91 students responded to these questions.
★安易にAs a resultを多様しがち。。気をつける。


元:Next, we examined correlation between preparation times and grades to investigate these relations.
修正後:We also examined correlation between preparation times and grades to find out if there is a link between them.


元:Then we will introduce the methodology for student interviews.
修正後:In this slide, I will introduce the methodology that I used to interview students.

Now Let’s move on to the research findings.
















